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In any heat stroke the body should be cooled immediately. The person should be moved inside, or at least into the shade. Clothing should be removed and cold water, cold cloths or even a cool bath should be used to cool down the patient. If the person appears confused, dizzy or appears to be drunk an ambulance should be called immediately. If the person is able to drink they should drink water. Sports drinks are OK but water is better.

Some people are more susceptible to heat stroke, the old, the sick, the young and people on medication are affected more easily. === === Good answer above -- I disagree on one small point. If the patient enters heat stroke with electrolytes depleted, you're not going to be able to rehydrate effectively until that balance is re-obtained. I like sports drinks for this, as well as Orange Juice (high in potassium) or even salty lemonade.

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Q: How does one treat a minor heat stroke?
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What heat emergency do you sprinkle water one?

You treat both heat exhaustion and heat stroke by sprinkling A LOT of water on him. You don't necessarily have to do it for a heat cramps victim, but it won't cause any harm. Also remember: it is as important to get water IN the victim as it is to get it ON him.

Can you become short of breath from the heat?

Yes, it can be one of the signs of heat stroke.

What is one of the symptoms of heat stroke?

lack of sweating

Do you lose urinary volume during heat stroke?

Yes and no. Dehydration is usually comorbid with (occurring alongside) heat stroke. One result of dehydration is reduced urine volume so, while a patient displaying symptoms of heat stroke will likely have reduced volume, it's not from the heat stroke itself.

Hello, Lori. Heat st?

Hello, Lori. Heat stroke, sometimes referred to as sun stroke, is the most severe in the spectrum of heat-related syndromes (the less severe conditions are heat cramps and heat exhaustion) and results from excessive heat exposure and dehydration. More minor syndromes associated with heat illnesses include nausea or vomiting, dizziness, weakness and cramps. Heat stroke is accompanied by neurologic dysfunction including confusion or disorientation, possible seizure, extremely high temperature, elevated pulse and difficulty breathing. The symptoms you describe don't sound like heat stroke. Do you have a rash at all? Your symptoms may be related to shingles, which is a reactivation of the virus that causes chicken pox. It can cause a rash localized on one side of the body (usually in a strip-like distribution) and quite severe pain.

Why can a heat cramp be distinguished from a heatstroke?

When one gets a heat cramp, they get muscle spasms due to the excess loss of salt and water. With a heat stroke, one will suffer heat exhaustion and heavily sweat, feel nauseous, or lightheaded.

Why do manufacturers heat treat metal?

Manufacturers heat treat metal for a variety of reason. One reason is to alter the physical appearance of the metal. Another reason is to harden the metal. They may even heat treat the metal in order to soften the metal to make it more malleable.

Determining Minor Stroke Symptoms?

Mild stroke symptoms are identical to the symptoms of a major stroke. Minor strokes can cause permanent brain damage and will require emergency treatment as soon as the stroke has been detected. A minor stroke is known as a TIA. TIA stands for transient ischemic attack. A TIA is a brief obstruction that blocks the blood flow in the brain. Even a brief disruption can result in a mini stroke.CharacteristicsThere are common symptoms displayed after a person suffers from a stroke. These symptoms may include a headache or migraine without reason, nauseousness, numbness, blurry vision, loss of muscle control in one side of the face, speech impairment, unstable balance, weakness on one side of the body, and tingling in the arms and legs.Increased RisksMany times minor strokes are often the first in a series of other minor strokes that can occur as soon as the first 24 hours following the initial stroke. Chances of experiencing another minor to severe stroke is much higher over the next three days. Twenty percent of people who suffer a minor stroke will suffer a major stroke over the next ninety days.IndicationsPeople who suffer a mild stroke are disorientated and do not fully register the effects or seriousness of the stroke. It is not uncommon for sufferers to brush off a minor stroke as unimportant. If you notice someone have a stroke and they decide not to go to the hospital, insist that they should go because the chance of having a life-debilitating stroke is too severe.Risk FactorsBoth minor and major strokes can occur to anybody at any time without a specific triggering cause. People who are more likely to suffer from a stroke are people with compromised circulation issues, smokers, diabetics, and anyone under severe stress. Some medications are known to increase the chance of a stroke.Preventative MeasuresIf you suspect you had a mild stroke seek emergency help immediately. The hospital will run a series of tests to see if you have any more threatening blood clots. If necessary, doctors will prescribe stroke prevention medication and keep the patient under watch until the immediate threat of a major stroke passes.

What is the prevention of heat stroke?

Heat Stroke PreventionStay Hydrated. Drink cool water near constantlyRest when needed. Go to shade periodicallyAvoid strenuous labour in extreme heatMinimize skin exposure to sun (wear loose, light coloured cotton)Some circumstances and jobs will force one to work during extremely hot weather conditions. To prevent heat stroke in these situations, hydration is of the utmost importance. People can acclimatize to hot weather by working a little bit more in it at intervals. However should one over-work right away, heat stroke will result and there will be increased sensitivity to heat often for the rest of ones life.

Where can I get a heat treat oven? sells heat treat ovens, and would be the best place for you to buy one. They come in 10 standard sizes and 4 different temperature ranges, which is the best for you to get the options you want!

Yorkie heat stroke?

Clip the hair of heavy-coated dogs to one inch in length. Don't shave to the skin, because that deprives your dog of the insulating factor of a layer of hair. And it exposes them to sunburn. see more about yorkie heat stroke in the link below

What are some symptoms that one is suffering from heat exhaustion?

Symptoms of heat exhaustion, which occurs when one becomes dehydrated, include dizziness, confusion, rapid heartbeat, pale skin, fatigue, nausea, muscle cramps, and fainting. If not treated, this could lead to a heat stroke.