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The eye consists of a lens with an iris which serves to focus the incoming light onto the retina. The retina is the tissue that lines the inside of the eye and it can be compared to the photographic plate of a camera on which the images are projected. The retina contains different types of microstructures called rods and cones. These structures recognize different types of light. Rods function in dim light and allow us to see in the dark, albeit limited. Cones allow us to see colour and grant us daytime vision. The signals picked up in the rods and cones are relayed to the brain and central nervous system through the optic nerve.

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14y ago

One answer would be, the eye doesn't really see. It has receptors that collect light as data. Maybe if we think about the film in a camera that captures light data from whatever we aim our eyes at. The green places have this light signature, the blue this and so on. These image signatures are captured at a very high rate, can't give number, and each "screen shot" is sent to the brain via the optic nerve. There is still no picture yet. The vision centers of the brain show you their interpretation of the data.

It's up to us to learn what these interpretations mean. ie, this means shadow, that means shiny, that is far away and so on. The really interesting thing about sight is we never see what's "out there". We see our interpretation from the available data. In the light spectrum world, that data is very limited - only what is termed visible light.

In that sense there is always more to life than what meets the eye...

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14y ago

by seeing things

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the rentina

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