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Q: How does over cropping cause soil erosion?
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What are the benefits of strip cropping?

strip cropping reduces soil erosion due to rainwater runoff and wind.

What are the causes of soil erosion in the Philippines?

Over-cultivation is the biggest cause of soil erosion in the Philippines. A secondary cause is the amount of rainfall the country receives.

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Planting vegetation terracing and strip cropping are common practices employed in the prevention of what?

Terracing and strip cropping are done to prevent soil erosion.

How can ways to conserve soil like contour plowing strip cropping and terracing help farms?

It Prevents Soil Erosion

How do humans aggravate the effects of soil erosion?

Firstly the removal of trees is a removal of nutrients and minerals from the soil as the source of humus is greatly reduced. ... Overgrazing, over cropping and or deforestation can lead to desertification - the spread of desert like lands due to these humanactivities accelerating natural erosion of soil.

Planting vegetation terracing and strip cropping are common practices employed in the prevention of?

soil erosion is the shifting away of soil rapidly and in huge piles of soil.

What cause transported soil?

soil erosion

How does cover cropping prevents soil erosoin?

Cover cropping helps prevent erosion in two ways. Its leaves prevent raindrops and wind from getting to the soil as easily, and its roots grow closely together to create a network that holds the soil in place.

How does strip cropping helps to prevent soil erosion?

In Strip Cropping, grass and other plants that grow close to the ground are planted in strips between bands of grain crops.

Why do farmers use strip cropping?

The purpose of strip cropping is erosion control and the conservation of rain water. Strip cropping is done through the process of planting crops in a narrow strip and growing the crops close together.