

How does oxygen enter the rats lungs?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Rat, like all mammals, have noses and mouths which lead to the lungs. When rats breathe in the air, the oxygen travel to the lungs where gas exchange occurs.

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Q: How does oxygen enter the rats lungs?
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Oxygen enters via the lungs.

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The lungs, I the alviolies.

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no, it doesn't, but oxygen does.

How does oxygen enter the stream?

Oxygen enters the blood stream through the air sacs in you lungs.

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Kangaroo rats get oxygen the same way all mammals do - through their respiratory system, comprising the nose/mouth, trachea and lungs. Even in underground burrows, there is air.

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It enter when you breathe. You let go of Carbon in your body when you breathe out, and let fresh air or oxygen enter your body when you breathe in.

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It has to get oxygen and get rid of CO2

How does oxygen enter your body?

Oxygen (O2) enters your body through breathing air, which contains oxygen in it. This oxygen goes into your lungs where it is put into the bloodstream, supplied to cells in your body, returned to the lungs as carbon dioxide (CO2), and exhaled through the lungs.

Where in a mammal's body does oxygen enter the bloodstream?

Blood picks up oxygen and releases carbon dioxide in the lungs.