

How does panadol kill a cat?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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9y ago

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Panadol is not supposed to be ingested by cats and is lethal. When a cat ingests Panadol, their liver is affected causing the cat to go into liver failure.

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****what happens****1] if you give panadol to a cat bubbles will come out of its mouth and it will womit and get sick it might even DIE might even be lucky be careful to not give cats panadol****cure****2] give it five fish pieces and let it out in fresh air for 10 mins and give it a rest till one day. this might be cure your cat try it. my cat felt really normal when i did this to my cat good luck on trying

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If you wanna take a risk of damaging your liver you can do it. It will kill pain Faster and with greater effect. (Never EVER drink alcohol with Panadol paracetamol or you die !)

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