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Q: How does permanent marker come out of 100 percent cotton?
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Why did dial remove permanent marker from clothes?

Dial remove permanent marker because it could remove things that would come off a little bit

How do you remove a stain of a permanent marker from your jeans?

you have to keep scrubing and will come off

What happens when you mark eggs with permanent marker?

the mom will probably not come back to care for them

How do you remove fluorescent permanent marker from a white board?

This may sound counter intuitive, but get a good dry erase marker, write completely over the permanent marker marks, really get it good, then with a clean dry erase eraser, remove it, both should come off together.I told you it was weird.A last resort could be final net hairspray, it worked very well removing prices on cans at the grocery store I worked at as a kid.

How do you remove marker stains on shoelaces?

If the stains were made by a washable marker, they will come out if you wash them in the washing machine with hot water. If they were made by permanent marker there is no guarantee that it will come out. Pretreat the shoelaces, rinse them, and soak them in bleach if they are white.

How do you remove black permanent marker from your hands?

Just wait a while and keep on washing your hands. The dead skin cells on your hands will come off and take the permanent marker with them. What does this have to do with cars and vehicles anyway?

How do you get permanent marker off a diecast model bus?

You would be surprised. I was messing around with my diecast model buses and I discovered because at first I was using a wash cloth and water and it wasn't getting me anywhere so I thought to myself if I use a dry erase marker over the permanent marker it might work because when you have marker on a board and it wont come off, you scribble on it with a dry erase and then erase so I did that with my buses and it worked! try it out.

How do you get permanent marker off piano keys?

I don't know if this will work on piano keys, but dry erase markers erase permanent marker on white boards. Write over the mark, then erase the dry erase. If the dry erase doesn't come off the piano keys easily, use alcohol.

How do you remove permanent marker off a baby dolls head?

Denatured alcohol (at any hardware store) will remove permanent marker, but if the baby doll is soft rubbery plastic, some of the dye may have penetrated deeply enough that it won't come off. It will, at least, make it much lighter, though.

How permanent is a permanent marker?

some permanent markers are sometimes used for outlining things to make things stand out or if you use sharpie marker whick come in all sorts of different colours u can use them for colouring but i just need to say that they do go straight through the paper that you would use, just thought i would tell you just in case. ;) :)

Will permanent marker come out of clothing?

yes, you can spray it with amonia, hairspray, or even pine sol floor cleaner 5 min. before washing it

What country did the Marker family come from?

The surname Marker originates in Prussia.