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Q: How does permeability and slope control the flow of groundwater?
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What affects groundwater flow?

Groundwater flow is affected by factors such as the permeability of the rock or sediment through which it moves, the slope of the water table, and the presence of fractures or faults that may enhance or restrict flow. Human activities, such as pumping water from wells or constructing barriers like dams, can also influence groundwater flow patterns.

How quickly would groundwater flow through rock with porosity and high permeability?


How does the permeability of soil and rocks affect the flow of groundwater?

Permeability is when water can pass through different types of soil and rocks. Therefore the permeability affects the soil and rocks because if the soil or rock is PERMEABLE then the groundwater can easily flow through it :)

What is the groundwater flow?

The flow of groundwater is an aquifer.

Is Stream flow down slope?

yes through surface run-off or groundwater flow

Does the permeability to water affect the equilibrium flow in and flow out value?


What type of soil can retain the greatest amount of water?

Low permeability and Steep slope

What is permeability for concrete?

Permeability is defined as the property that governs the rate of flow of a fluid into a porous solid.

Are base flow same as groundwater?

Base flow is the portion of streamflow that comes from groundwater discharge, but it is not exactly the same as groundwater. Groundwater refers to the water stored underground in aquifers, while base flow specifically refers to the contribution of groundwater to streamflow during dry periods when surface runoff is low.

Does groundwater flow faster than surface water?

I believe that surface water flows faster because the water does not have to travel through the tiny pores in the rocks like ground water does. Also, ground water is affected my pressure and permeability. Also depends on the slope of the land, the ground water in some regions may move faster than groundwater if its slope is steeper. The velocity of groundwater is controlled by the hydraulic gradient (i) of the water table or potentiometric surface, the effective Porosity (Ne) of soil or rock, and the hydraulic conductivity (K) of the medium water passes through. This is expressed in the equation V = Ki/Ne (Hudak, 2000). In general, the porosity of an aquifer (amount of interconnected pore spaces) and the hydraulic conductivity (ability of a substance to transmit water) are the main factors that result in differences between groundwater and surface water velocity when the hydraulic gradient (slope) is relatively similar. As the conductivity an aquifer decreases, the the velocity decreases and the gap between groundwater and surface water speed increases. This is reffered to a laminear flow (Hudak, 2000) In karst Aquifers where dissolution caverns are formed, conditions can mimic those of surface water, resulting in turbulent flow that can match river velocity.

What are methods for determining field permeability?

Permeability is a measure of how fast water will flow through connected openings in soil or rock

What is the movement of underground water?

Groundwater flow.