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Q: How does personal values affect strategy?
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What is Psychologists' personal values and goals?

Psychologists may have personal values such as empathy, respect for others, integrity, and a commitment to helping others improve their mental well-being. Their goals typically involve promoting mental health, providing effective therapy, conducting ethical research, and advocating for social justice in the field of psychology.

What are your top 5 personal values?

My top 5 personal values are integrity, honesty, diligence, respect and loyalty. People have different personal values that are normally influenced by several factors.

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What is an example of values?

Personal values are things that you believe in, and they are important to you. for example, if you are a veryy family orientated person then one of personal values is family. If you believe in loyalty and being a good friend, then they are your personal values. Hope this helped a little bit (:

How would you describe personal values?

Personal values as you know the term personal its a individual thing so individual values as of my concern like for me rape a girl is unethical for me this is against my values i will never do that in any case... so values are the things which individual makes according to his mental abilities... like to smoke and drink is not against my value system and for you it may be.. this is what it is called as personal values...

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What are factors that affect one's attitude and practices related to human sexuality?

Factors that can affect one's attitude and practices related to human sexuality include upbringing and cultural beliefs, personal experiences, education and access to information, religious or moral values, societal norms and expectations, and personal relationships and communication with partners. These factors can shape an individual's beliefs, values, and behaviors regarding human sexuality.

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Sources Of Values?

The sources of values are: 1. Family 2. Friends and Peers 3. School 4. Church 5. Community/Society 6. Media