

How does phagocytosis occur?

Updated: 6/10/2024
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11y ago

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, meaning "cell eating," is similar to pinocytosis

, but the cell takes in solids rather than liquids. Certain kinds of white blood cells are called phagocytes because they can take in solid particles such as bacteria and cellular debris.

When a phagocyte first encounters a particle, the particle attaches to the phagocyte's cell membrane. This stimulates a portion of the membrane to project outward, surround the particle, and slowly draw it inside the cell.
The part of the membrane surrounding the particle detaches from the cell's surface, forming a vesicle that contains the particle.

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9h ago

Phagocytosis occurs when a phagocyte, such as a macrophage or neutrophil, engulfs and digests foreign particles, such as bacteria or debris. The process involves the phagocyte recognizing the foreign substance, extending pseudopodia to surround and engulf it, forming a phagosome. The phagosome then fuses with lysosomes to form a phagolysosome, where the foreign material is broken down and destroyed.

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14y ago

1. Recognition 2. Ingestion- pseudopods engulf microbe through endocytosis
3. Vacuole Formation- vacuole contains microbe
4. Digestion- vacuole merges with enzymes to destroy microbes
5. Exocytosis- microbial debris is released

--this is all occurring within a macrophage.

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9y ago

White blood cells called Macrophages (phagocytes) identify foreign antigens on bacteria and engulf and destroy them. The correct sequence of events in phagocytosis contains five events. They are, in order, chemotaxis, adherence, ingestion, digestion, and killing.

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7y ago

The phagocyte adheres to the pathogen or debris., forming pseudopods that that engulf the particle which leads to the formation of a phagosome. Lysosome then fuses with the phagocytic vesicle to form a phagolysome. The lysosomal enzymes then digest the particle and leaves behind a residual body. The indigestible and residual material is then removed by the exocytosis of the vesicle.

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The main benefit of phagocytosis is that it is a natural defense against bacterial infection. Drawbacks are that you can get coiling phagocytosis and it could destroy good bacteria.

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Phagocytosis is another name for cell eating. It is the process in which cells engulf and digest particles or other cells.