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Q: How does plucking a string make a sound?
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How does plucking the string with fingers help to make a sound louder?

The sound becomes brighter when strings are plucked and only seems to be louder.

Plucking a guitar string is a physical change however the process produces sound?

The sound is produced by the vibration of the string.

How is a sound generated on a string instrument?

By plucking the string you create waves which generate vibrations all sound and music are vibrations

The harpsichord produces sound when?

A harpsichord produces a sound by plucking a string when a key is pressed down.

In a stringed musical instrument the sound frequency of a particular string can be increased by?

In stringed musical instruments, sound is created by plucking, strumming, striking, or bowing across a string in order to make it vibrate. The sound frequency of a particular string can be increased by engaging that string with more force, causing faster vibrations.

What are the two ways a musical sound cam be made on a violin?

Using the bow or plucking the string.

Why When a banjo string is plucked hard why does it create a louder sound?

Plucking harder puts more energy into the string's movement, so it moves with a bigger amplitude, producing a louder sound.

Why does a guitar string produce a louder sound if it is plucked harder?

the larger the amplitude at which something vibrates = the louder the sound. so by plucking a string harder, you're increasing the amplitude of the sound waves and thus increasing the sound volume

What is the difference when plucking a thin string versus a thick string on a guitar?

When you pluck a thick string the sound the guitar makes comes out deeper then it does when you pluck a thin string.

How is the harpsichord different to the piano?

A harpsichord produces sound by plucking a string when a key is pressed. On a grand piano, the sound is made by striking the strings with a felt covered wooden hammer.

What happens when you pluck the string and it gets longer?

You are talking about PIZZICATO, the act of plucking the strings of a stringed instrument. It creates a more muffled sound, because the string vibrates but not for long due to the short plucks versus the sliding of the bow.

What is the definition of the word twang?

A twang is a sharp, ringing sound produced by the vibration of a tense string or similar structure. It is often associated with a high-pitched, metallic quality, commonly heard in stringed instruments like guitars or banjos.