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Q: How does pollen and spore types link people to a crime scene?
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What is spore of gymnosperm?


Why plants need pollen and spore?

plants need spores pollen and seeds to reproduce

Is a pollen grain spore?

Yes of course, it is a microspore which becomes a pollen grain after developing an exine

Are puffballs unicellular?

Pollen is not unicellular. This is because pollen is not yet living and is only acting like a spore would act.


The gymnosperms produce megaspores and microspores. A microspore is the male spore and megaspore is the large female spore. The microspore undergoes mitosis to produce the multicellular male gametophyte. These male gametophytes are the pollen grains that are contained inside short pollen cones. The megaspore is the large female spore that undergoes mitosis to produce the multicellular female gametophyte that is housed in a large female cone.

What is the difference between spores and pollen?

Non-vascular plants such as mosses and ferns have Spores. Pollen - Flowering, vascular plants (angiosperms)

What is formed after a sperm cell joins with an egg cell in apple trees?

a seed or a spore or a flower or a pollen grain

How is a seed different from pollen and how do both of these differ from a spore?

seed is the fertilized ovule while pollen is unfertilized malegametophyte.spore is the unicellular asexual reproductive unit that may be either haploid or diploid.

Where do gymnosperm seeds develop?

Gymnosperms do not produce spore, they produce pollen and seeds. The seeds and pollen are both produced in cones and the seed is "naked", it is not enclosed in an ovary.

What is the function of the spore of gymnosperms?

The function of the spore in gymnosperms is to serve as a reproductive structure that can develop into a gametophyte. The spore undergoes mitotic division to produce a multicellular gametophyte, which then produces the gametes (sperm or eggs). The fusion of these gametes gives rise to the development of the next generation of gymnosperms.

Is spore hero for Wii wifi?

No Also many people think spore PC is wifi but it is not.

Is the air better in winter or summer?

I would think air quality in general would be better in the winter due to a lower pollen and mold spore count.