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When a bee or any bug gets what ever they get from a flower, pollen get on them, so the next flower they go to, gets that pollen. Or... If a dog or any other animal travels through a field of flowers, the flowers rub all over him/her and goes to the next flowers and keeps happening as he travels through the field.

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Q: How does pollination from animals work?
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Pollination is a sticky thing on the plant. Animals drink that from the plant that reproduces the plant

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What is the movement of pollen from a stamen to a pistil?

Pollination. Pollination can occur from the same plant, or from other plants of the same species. The pollen can be spread by wind, animals, or insects (notably bees).

What is the pollenation for on a flower?

Pollination is the transport of pollen from the anther onto the stigma of the flower. Pollination can be carried by insects, other animals and wind.

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to attract insects and animals for pollination

Name two animals that help plant qnd trees with either pollination or seed dispersal?

Two animals that help plant and trees with either pollination or seed dispersal includes birds and insects.

Pollination by birds is called?

Pollination by animals and by insects is the major way that plants reproduce. Bees, birds, butterflies, and even animals that brush by flowers help them to pollinate.

How do animals help pollination?

Most animals actually don't realize that they are helping the pollination of a plant. For example, a bee usually lands on a flower to take some nectar, but its body unintentionally takes some pollen along and then, while they are flying to another flower, spread the pollen to the pistil of the second flower (or sometimes also of the first flower). Animals have a large role in pollination. Most pollinations happen because of animals like bees. Some are also caused by the wind, but if there isn't any animals helping the pollination, it would be hard for the seeds to grow.