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Nonflowering plants depend on wind and water to scatter their spores or seeds.

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Q: How does pollination occur in non-flowering plants?
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Are angiosperms nonflowering plants?

No, these are flowering plants

What are the three ways in which pollination can occur?

Self pollination, wind pollination, and insect pollination are the three ways that pollination occurs. Pollination is needed in order for plants to reproduce.

Example of nonflowering plants?

ferns, horsetail, bamboo, anahaw, fungi, mosses, algae are examples of nonflowering plants

What do flowering and nonflowering plants have in common?

They are both plants for one

What is the movement of pollen from a stamen to a pistil?

Pollination. Pollination can occur from the same plant, or from other plants of the same species. The pollen can be spread by wind, animals, or insects (notably bees).

Who classified the plants into flowering and nonflowering?


Nonflowering seed producing plants?


What are facts about nonflowering plants?

reproduce from spores .simpler than flowering plants.

What plants make flowers?

Nonflowering plants make spores or reproduce by budding.

What are other names for flowering plants and nonflowering seed plants?

Angiosperms & gymnosperms

What do non-flower plants do?

Nonflowering plants make spores or reproduce by budding.

Names of Nonflowering plants on Tortola?

non fowering plants are ferns horsetail and mosses