

How does Ponyboy recover from his friends' deaths?

Updated: 5/22/2022
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8y ago

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He deals with his friend Johnny's death by thinking of him as still being alive. He refuses to accept the fact that he is actually dead.

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Ophelia Schroeder

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Q: How does Ponyboy recover from his friends' deaths?
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What is PonyBoy and cherry relationship?

They were very good friends in the beginning, but now that new things are happening in the book, so do things with ponyboy and cherry. the thing is, is that ponyboy has always had a thing for cherry, but cherry just thought of them as friends, but in the book, they become not just good friends, but more than that. relationship statis: <3 they love eachother. best thing of all. :)

Why do you think ponyboy and cherry became good friends?

because they have a lot in common