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ponyboy is concerned because their life could be better than his

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Q: Why is ponyboy concerned about his friends seeing the house and not about randy seeing the house?
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Why did ponyboy not care that randy was seeing his house in a messy condition?

Ponyboy would rather randy see than his friends because randy was a soc and didnt expect anything more but his friends that he had known for a long time it would be embarrassing for him

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because him and randy had been friends for awhile and rndy knew that ponyboy lives in a bad place.

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How do you kiss your boyfriend in private without your friends seeing?

If u have his number text him and say please meat me for example at my house hoped this help

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He is the strong one in the house so he has to act tough

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TripIf you were to walk from your house to your friends house the distance and direction between your house and your friends house is your trip or mileage.

Can your mum ban you from seeing some of your friends when you're 16?

If it's called being grounded, then yes...until you're out of the house. She probably has a good reason...

Should i be concerned My boyfriends leaving his new job early and weekly to go to the bar or house parties with work friends?

Sounds to me like he wants out of the relationship. I suggest counseling.