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Q: How does populated area being more polluted?
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Why is river Ganges so polluted?

It is one of the most populated areas which causes more people to live there. Therefor this leads to more pollution.

How does nature differ from London?

London is polluted, nature destinations are not. London is more populated. London has a wider range of races. London has bigger ad more shops.

Why might an earthquake be more destructive in a populated area than an unpopulated area?

Because in a populated area, you have all of the buildings and sculptures, but an unpopulated area is just plants and trees, and those can regrow.

Why are the coastal areas being polluted?

Coastal areas are being polluted due to various human activities such as industrial discharges, agricultural runoff, plastic waste, and oil spills. These pollutants harm marine life, disrupt ecosystems, and can also negatively impact human health. It is crucial to implement proper management and conservation measures to protect coastal environments.

Which is more densely populated the area around burlington or the area around charlotte?


What is the comparative and superlative word of polluted?

more polluted, most polluted

What does densley populated area mean?

It means that there are more people per square mile than another area.

What are some advantages about dropping the atomic bomb in unpopulated area?

You wind up killing fewer people when you drop your atomic bomb in an unpopulated area, as compared to a more populated area. Of course, killing people may be exactly what you want to do, in which case, it is more advantageous to drop it in a populated area.

What is the Difference between densely populated and moderately populated areas?

Densely populated areas have more units per unit of area than moderately populated areas. Example: If 100 people in a store is densely populated; 75 in a store of the same size would be moderately populated.

What is the comparative word for polluted?

More Polluted <-----Comparative Most Polluted <------Superlative

What only the city but the area surrounding the city?

Urban area refers to the city and its immediate surrounding areas that are densely populated and urbanized. Conversely, rural area refers to the more remote and sparsely populated regions beyond the city limits.

Why do species come extinct or endangered?

species come endangered because their habitat is rather being destoryed or polluted. species come extinct because they died because moreand more polluted water or stuff is being destoryed.