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Q: How does proper eating help achieve a balance for your body?
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What does eating baking powder do to the body?

It can change the acid-base balance in the body.

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It can develop excellent posture, balance, flexibility, proper breathing and body strength.

How To Improve Balance?

You can improve your balance by strengthening your muscles to help your body stable itself. Exercises and strength training can help achieve more stability.

What elements did the Chinese believe would achieve longevity?

The Chinese believed that achieving longevity required a balance of yin and yang in the body, proper qi flow, a healthy diet emphasizing balance and moderation, regular exercise like tai chi or qigong, and mindful practices such as meditation or acupuncture to maintain overall well-being.

What are the benefits of eating alkaline based foods?

I think it is to balance acidity in our body, because mostly we eat acid based food.

Why are boy's feet bigger than girl's feet?

Foot size is closely related to height to achieve proper balance of the human body. A woman is typically smaller height wise, so the man being taller usually have bigger feet. The same in young boys and girls.

Does a eating disorder cause muscle tightness?

Dehydration often accompanies the habits of those suffering from an eating disorder. Lack of proper water in the body can cause cramping and overall tightness.

Why is balance diet important?

A balanced diet is important because it is good for your body. Eating different food groups helps your body to get the different vitamins and nutrients that it needs to stay healthy.

What is ayurvedic?

Ayurvedic is a traditional Hindu medications system. This is usually based on a balanced diet, yoga and herbal treatment to provide proper balance to the body.

What happens when you do not eat for a day to your blood sugar level?

Blood glucose levels will drop without proper nutrition. Missing meals/ abstaining from eating will cause the body's metabolism to drop, which slows the body down, & can cause insulin levels to go out of balance, as well. If one's blood-sugar level drops too far, insulin shock can result.

What regulates mineral balance in the body?

Your kidneys regulate the mineral balance in the body.

What function do co-enzymes have in respiration?

Coenzyme-A is the most active metabolic enzyme in the human body. Fermentation is a process whereby a cell can achieve redox balance.