

How does protozoan get its food?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: How does protozoan get its food?
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What is the structure within a protozoan where enzymes are secreted to digest?

The structure within a protozoan where enzymes are secreted to digest is called the food vacuole. The food vacuole is responsible for engulfing and breaking down food particles through the action of digestive enzymes. Once digestion is complete, the protozoan absorbs the nutrients from the food vacuole.

Uses of protozoan?

protozoan is used for fishing

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The organelle primarily responsible for intracellular digestion.

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A sentence with the word protozoan?

The key word in tackling protozoan infections is biosecurity.

What is a sentence with the word protozoan?

The key word in tackling protozoan infections is biosecurity.

What are some protozoan types?

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What is phagocytic mobilization?

It is where any cell or protozoan that engulfs microorganisms, any food particles or substances, or even particles is mobilized.

Why don't animals have chloraplast?

animals dont possess chloroplast as they depend on others for food. they dont prepare their own food by photosynthesis.....exception-euglena a protozoan has chloroplast ..