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Cats don't have tendinous intersections and humans do.

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How does the position of the kidneys in a cat differ from their position in human?

Kidneys in cats are usually lower than in humans because humans are taller and walk upright.

How does the cats gluteus function differ from a human?

The function of the gluteus muscle in cats is to move the thigh. In humans, the gluteus maximus is responsible for the movement not only of the thigh but also of the hip.

Can cats see humans?

Yes, cats can see humans.

How do feral cats differ from domestic cats?

Feral cats were not socialized to humans as kittens. So they do not know human touch and protection. Once they develop trust, they are no different from any other cat. They just need more patience and more love.

Why do wild cats avoid humans?

They are probably scared of humans. Unlike domestic cats, wild cats are not raised with humans. Hope this helped!

Are dogs and cats friendly?

Like humans, animals have personalities that differ from one another. Saying cats are better than dogs or vice versa solely based on one dog's personality is not right. Like humans, some dogs and cats have bright personalities and some have darker, more independent personalities. Differs from cat to cat and dog to dog.

Are cats smarter than humans?

Cats are smarter than humans. - INCORRECT.

How much DNA do humans share with cats?

Humans and cats share about 90% of their DNA. The genetic similarities are evident in various aspects, such as the structure and function of certain genes controlling traits like metabolism and immune response.

How long have humans used cats?

"used cats" cats arent drug!!

Can cats talk like humans a minute bedfore Christmas?

No, cats cannot talk like humans at all.

How do cats eat with humans?

cats can interact with humans by waging their tails, purring, or even looking at you with big eyes.

What are domnestic cats?

Tame cats that live side by side with humans; house cats.