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It's the rhinoceros' only form of defence

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Q: How does rhinos protect its young from danger?
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How do rhinos protect itself from danger?

They use their long and sharp horns and scare away the predators.

How does the giant panda protect itself and its young from danger?

it fights back

What eats rhinos?

Lions will eat young rhinos.

How does a mouse protect its young from danger?

Yes it will do so as best it can - all animals will try to do this.

How to protect rhinos?

By not killing them for their horn! ;)

What is being done to save the rhinos?

Yes, efforts are being made to protect rhinos. Wildlife reserves have been designated for rhinos, Rangers patrol areas with rhinos to catch poachers before they can strike, and it is illegal to kill rhinos, or sell their horns. However, it sat ill isn't enough. Sophisticated poachers still manage to evade Rangers and sell horns, and the reserves are not large enough to protect them from habitat loss.

What programs protect the black rhinos?

the wwf

How does dingos protect them selves for predators?

DINGO'S They protect themselves and there young by hiding in there homes. They also get a strong sent to worn them when danger is around.

What is the name of a rhinos young?

a calf

How does a Blackbird protect itself from danger?

A blackbrid can protect itself from danger by

Are Sumatran rhinos protective of their young?


Do rhinos take care of their young?

of course, they do.