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The two are not comparable. We are talking about totally different historical eras separated by some 1,500 years and totally different societies. Moreover, Rome had three different forms of government over the 1,200 years of her history: 244 years on monarchy (753-509 BC) 482 years of republic (590-27 BC) and 503 years of rule by emperors (27 BC-476 AD)

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Q: How does rome government compares to the US government system?
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What system of government do the US have?

Federal republic is the system.

What are some commonalities between the English parliamentary system and the US government system?


What does it mean when the US has a federal system of government?

Federation of states

Where does the US government derive its legitimacy and power?

The US government derives it power and legitimacy from its people; our government system is works around the idea of democracy so the government gets its power from the governed.

How is the roman republic and US similar?

They were the same type of entity. An empire is defined as a large territory administered by one central government. Rome was an empire under the republican form of government as she had provinces all administered by the central government in Rome. Under the principate, or what is erroneously called the "empire" only the method of government changed. Rome was still an empire.They were the same type of entity. An empire is defined as a large territory administered by one central government. Rome was an empire under the republican form of government as she had provinces all administered by the central government in Rome. Under the principate, or what is erroneously called the "empire" only the method of government changed. Rome was still an empire.They were the same type of entity. An empire is defined as a large territory administered by one central government. Rome was an empire under the republican form of government as she had provinces all administered by the central government in Rome. Under the principate, or what is erroneously called the "empire" only the method of government changed. Rome was still an empire.They were the same type of entity. An empire is defined as a large territory administered by one central government. Rome was an empire under the republican form of government as she had provinces all administered by the central government in Rome. Under the principate, or what is erroneously called the "empire" only the method of government changed. Rome was still an empire.They were the same type of entity. An empire is defined as a large territory administered by one central government. Rome was an empire under the republican form of government as she had provinces all administered by the central government in Rome. Under the principate, or what is erroneously called the "empire" only the method of government changed. Rome was still an empire.They were the same type of entity. An empire is defined as a large territory administered by one central government. Rome was an empire under the republican form of government as she had provinces all administered by the central government in Rome. Under the principate, or what is erroneously called the "empire" only the method of government changed. Rome was still an empire.They were the same type of entity. An empire is defined as a large territory administered by one central government. Rome was an empire under the republican form of government as she had provinces all administered by the central government in Rome. Under the principate, or what is erroneously called the "empire" only the method of government changed. Rome was still an empire.They were the same type of entity. An empire is defined as a large territory administered by one central government. Rome was an empire under the republican form of government as she had provinces all administered by the central government in Rome. Under the principate, or what is erroneously called the "empire" only the method of government changed. Rome was still an empire.They were the same type of entity. An empire is defined as a large territory administered by one central government. Rome was an empire under the republican form of government as she had provinces all administered by the central government in Rome. Under the principate, or what is erroneously called the "empire" only the method of government changed. Rome was still an empire.

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This is a statement and we need to know what you want to know before we can answer you.

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Federal republic is the system.

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The US Constitution established the Federal system of government. The best way to describe the Federal system of government is that it is a shared power of government between the nation and the states.

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Well, my 6th grade class just finished up learning about Rome.... I do very well in Rome so this is pretty accurate information: Roman laws and government are important to the development to the US because it basically shaped the US government. You see, Rome was a republic, so are we... Ya making the connection? Anway... Rome's government was exactly like today's modern day US government. We have a min leader that was voted leader by the citizens. If Rome wasn't a republic back then, I bet we wouldv'e found another republic to base it off of but then again, we might just have a different government altogether. ~NerdyGirl

What system of government was established?

When, and where is this government? If your talking about the US, Feudalism.