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Romeo does not get into Juliet's bedroom in Act II. This happens between scenes iv and v of Act III (and he climbs through the window with a rope ladder). In Act II he only gets as far as her backyard.

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He says, "With love's light wings did I o'erperch these walls."

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14y ago

Romeo "o'er perched these walls" with th use of "love's light wings".

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I believe it was a frame made for a creeper to climb apon. This was used as a ladder and he climbed up and into the window.

(from memory)

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10y ago

The nurse has procured a rope ladder which he will be able to climb.

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rope ladder

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Q: How does romeo get to Juliet's balcony?
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Where does the famous love scene in Romeo and Juliet take place?

Verona, Capulet Mansion, Juliets balcony (That's tha balcony scene I presume) Romeo and Juliet never meet in Mantua, which is where Romeo is banished too.

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Falso! Tybalt has no idea that Romeo is there or the play would have been much shorter.

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romeo was juliets lover

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Romeo sneaks into Juliet's balcony in an attempt to profess his love for her and to be with her despite the feud between their families, the Montagues and Capulets. He wants to see Juliet and continue their secret relationship without being discovered.

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He hides from her on the balcony because he wants to hear what she's saying. the "Romeo Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo speech"

Where does Romeo go after the feast?

After leaving the Capulet Party, where he met Juliet, he climbs up a stone wall and ends up underneath Juliets Balcony, which is wear the famous balcony scene takes place. Hope that helps.

Why is there a Juliets balcony in Venice if she was not a real person?

Because the Venetians understand the value of it for tourism.

Who are Juliet's relatives in the play Romeo and Juliet?

Juliets relatives are the Capulets. In the book it talks of.... Lady Capulet, Capulet, Tybalt. Lady Capulet is Juliets Mother (She encourages Paris' and Juliets marriage) Capulet is Juliets father (The one who forces her to marry Paris) Tybalt is Juliets cousin. (He picks a fight with Mercutio and kills him. Romeo takes revenge for his friend and kills Tybalt. That is why Romeo is banished from Verona)

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