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Verona, Capulet Mansion, Juliets balcony (That's tha balcony scene I presume) Romeo and Juliet never meet in Mantua, which is where Romeo is banished too.

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Q: Where does the famous love scene in Romeo and Juliet take place?
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Where does the famous love scene between Romeo and Juliet take place?

It is Act II Scene 2 of the play and it takes place in Juliet's backyard.

Who said parting is such sweet sorrow in romeo and Juliet?

The character Juliet says the famous line "Parting is such sweet sorrow" in Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet." She utters these words in Act 2, Scene 2 during the famous balcony scene.

What different scenes are in Romeo and Juliet?

There is the famous balcony scene. The scene where romeo die before Juliet awakes. This question isn't specific enough.

What does Juliet compare romeo to in the balcony scene?

The sun!

Whom does Romeo see at the window?

Romeo sees Juliet at the window in Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet." They are professing their love for each other in the famous balcony scene, which is Act 2, Scene 2.

Where does scene 1 take place in romeo and Juliet?


Where does act 2 scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet take place?

Capulet's Orchard? No that is Act 2 Scene 2. Act 2 Scene 5 is Romeo and Juliet's wedding and takes place at Friar Lawrence's place.

What happens in scene 2 act 2 of Romeo and Juliet?

This is the famous balcony scene. Romeo sneaks into Juliet's backyard. There he finds Juliet standing in her window telling the backyard that she loves Romeo. He reveals himself (bit of a shock for her) and then they get on with the world's most famous love dialogue.

When does Act 1 Scene 4 take place in Romeo and Juliet?

Act 1 Scene 4 in Romeo and Juliet takes place on the night of the Capulet's party, where Romeo and his friends decide to attend in disguise. This scene sets the stage for Romeo and Juliet's first meeting and the development of their love story.

Where was the place where the first scene in the play Romeo and Juliet starts?

In the marketplace in Verona.

What happens in act two in Romeo and Juliet?

This is the famous balcony scene. Romeo sneaks into Juliet's backyard. There he finds Juliet standing in her window telling the backyard that she loves Romeo. He reveals himself (bit of a shock for her) and then they get on with the world's most famous love dialogue.

What happens at the beginning of scene 1 in Romeo and Juliet?

There are five scenes in Romeo and Juliet which are scene 1.