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Trash pollution dose have a big effect on the land because of where the trash goes, all trash ends up in a landfill and you know that the USA has a landfill the size of the Great Wall of China! Can you imagine the size of that?!!!!!!!!!!! It is becoming to where every landfill in the USA is coming to be that size. By the time that happens there will be no room to live in. Think about it and think about considering that our environment needs help.

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14y ago
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9y ago

Trash can pollute, by two basic ways.

1, It can breakdown into the elements it is made from and some of these can be harmful to the earth, plants, human and animals leaving dangerous substances that can kill or otherwise damage, or the elements can be transferred into the plants grown in the polluted area, and then passed on to animals and humans.

2. The break down can fail to occur in a timely and complete fashion. Animals and plants can be trapped in this refuse and damaged.


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13y ago
Garbage pollution have a negative effect on city environment.......
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