

How does salt efeat ice?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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it affects ice by the dryness of the salt berns the ice

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Q: How does salt efeat ice?
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an ice cube with salt

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Salt melts ice so salt will melt ice cream.

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no, but ice melt is a salt

What is in salt that melts ice?

It is the salt itself that melts ice.

Which will melt first an ice cube or an ice cube with salt on it and why?

Ice cube with salt. The salt disrupts the lattice formation in the ice, lowering the melting temperature. As the salt melts ice, the surface area exposed to the salt increases, further perpetuationg the reaction.

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Adding salt to ice decreases its melting point. Adding salt to the top of ice helps melt the ice faster.

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Should you spread salt on ice?

Only if you want the salt on the ice.

How do you separate ice cream and salt?

You can't really separate salt and ice cream and still end up with ice cream and salt. However, you can recover just the salt.

Why ice don't melt in table salt?

It is because when you put in table salt, actually any salt, the ice absorbs the salt's energy and that is what make the ice colder than it was.