

How does scabies enter the body?

Updated: 12/12/2022
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12y ago

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They bite little holes in your skin, and tunnel inside like moles tunneling into the earth.

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Are scabies and lice the same thing?

No scabies and head lice are not the same thing scabies are mites that live under your skin and lice are bugs that lice in the hair on your head when you have lice only your head itches when you have scabies your whole body itches especially in between your finger Ur butt and behind you legs elbows and arms

Why do bumps reappear after scabies are gone?

This is because the body is healing and it's like a secondary rash. Basically youll have the rash for about two to three weeks after the scabies treatment. If you don't feel prickling in your skin then the scabies is gone.

Is scabies athlete's foot?

No, both scabies and athlete's foot are itchy and easy to catch, but they have very different causes. Athlete's foot is caused by a fungus; scabies is caused by tiny mites. Also, athlete's foot affects the feet, while scabies can affect almost any part of the body.

What is the difference between scabies and Norwegian scabies?

The difference between them is nothing besides how many you have. The same mite infects for both cases, just Norwegian has ALOT more mites on your body then normal scabies. 15~ for normal scabies and thousands for norwegian. I looked/ Found you can get more if your immune system is lower.

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Yes it can

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it is where scabies, which are mites underneath the skin reproduce. you can treat this by simply applying cream.

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What are Norwegian scabies?

Infestation with huge numbers of mites (on the order of thousands to millions).This form of scabies, with its major infestation, is referred to as crusted scabies or Norwegian scabies.

Can elica treat scabies?

cream get rid of scabies

Is there any famous people with scabies?

They all have scabies.