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Scout diffuses the situation by appealing to Mr. Cunningham's humanity and reminding him of his individual identity as a father and not just part of a group. Her innocence and honesty shame the men into reconsidering their actions and leaving the scene.

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Q: How does scout stop the menfrom lynching tom robison?
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What muckraker wanted to stop lynching?

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What did mrs.caroline tell scout to stop doing with atticus?

Mrs. Caroline asked Scout to stop reading with Atticus. She believed that Scout had already learned to read at home and should focus on other subjects in school.

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Miss Caroline told Scout to stop reading at home because she believed that Scout was already too advanced compared to the rest of her classmates. Miss Caroline thought it would be better for Scout to start learning at the same pace as the other students.

What does Miss Caroline tell Scout to tell her father?

1) stop teaching scout to read 2) stop teaching scout to wriite

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In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Scout's Aunt Alexandra tells Atticus that he must stop teaching Scout to read. Aunt Alexandra believes that teaching Scout to read at an early age may lead to her being too independent and not conforming to society's expectations for a young girl.

What does Scout teacher tell her to do?

Scout's teacher, Miss Caroline, tells her to stop reading at home with her father because she believes it interferes with Scout's learning in the classroom. Miss Caroline wants Scout to focus on the curriculum set by the school.

When did lynching decline?

Depends on the country: it didn't stop in Australia until the mid 1960's.The last man hanged was Ronald Ryan, of Melbourne.

What were Ida b wells achievements?

one is that she helped stop lynching which was one of her most important roles other than that i dont really know

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Dill and Scout quietly oil the gate's hinges with Atticus's oilcan to make it stop squeaking when they enter the Radley Place.

How does scout break up lynching party at jail in to kill a mockingbird?

Scout diffuses the tense situation at the jail by innocently engaging in conversation with one of the men who is part of the lynch mob. She reminds him of his humanity and individuality, which prompts the other men to eventually leave to avoid causing any harm in front of a young child. This shows the power of innocence and compassion to disrupt violence and bring about change.