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So far, rising sea levels have not had much impact on human activity, but if the sea level rises high enough, it will have an extremely large impact, since there are hundreds of millions, and possibly billions of people living in coastal regions, who could become refugees seeking places to live at higher elevation. And in a world that is already overcrowded, the consequences of such a mass evacuation would be incalculable.

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13y ago

it affects the environment as the more water the more space it needs so the lower lands will be flooded

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Q: How does sea level rise affect the environment?
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A rise in sea levels will not affect the thundering.

How would sea level rise affect people living further away?

The rise of the sea level will make people living in sea level countries submerged in sea water.

How does global warming affect sea level?

Yes,a massive ice shelf {a floating glacier} in Antarctica. It will make the sea level rise.

How does sea level rise?

Sea levels rise with the tides.

How will the rise in sea levels affect people living near sea level close to the coast?

They will drown and die.

Does a plateau rise above sea level?

yes a plateau can rise above sea level .

How does the sea level rise impact archaeological sites?

The sea level rises from global warming will affect all low-lying countries and coastal cities. Archeological digs near the coasts will be permanently flooded by sea water.

How would sea level rise affect someone's life?

because ur uglyy yh yh u ugly lolz

Where would the sea level rise affect?

The sea level rising would affect along the coast lines and since Greenland is just one big glacier it would definitely affect along the Eastern sea coast. It will also flood many towns and cities along the coast which will effect everyone along the coast but not for a while.

How many feet would sea level rise if all the glaciers melt?

I came up with 692 yards would the sea level rise.

What will be the rise in sea level next century if the current trends of global warming are not controlled?

There are many different predictions about sea level rise, but the most likely sea level rise by 2100 is between 80cm and 1 metre (2.5 to 3 feet).

When it rains does the sea level rise?

Sort of. Simply, rain is caused by water in the sea evaporating, forming clouds, and then clouds causing rain; this is called the water cycle. When there is heavy rainfall, it can cause flooding, which in turn destroys places, and can, in some cases, make the sea level rise slightly. So, rain is not directly affected with rising sea levels, but can have some affect on the overall level.