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skin keeps us warm by various mechanisms 1 fat under the skin acts like an insulator and conserves heat 2 erector pilli muscles lead to piloerection which is the erection of the hair on the skin this traps air which acts like an insulator To modify the above answer a little, the raised har traps the air meaning it doesnt move away. Heat from the core of the body is carried in the blood and lost through the skin into the air, if the air is free to move then the heated air is carried away and replaced by cooler air. The presence of the heairs traps the heated air meaning it cant move of and be replaced so the no new cool air has to be heated by loss of body heat. In humans the effect is largely insignificant as the hairs are so far apart air is not really trapped.

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Q: How does skin work to keep us warm in particular the arrector pilli muscle nerve endings and fat lobules?
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