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Q: How does slime react to the activator?
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Can you use slime activator as a substitute for contact solution or saline solution to make slime?

i mean i know it is called slime activator but for saline and contact solution you use baking soda and slime activator you don't so the real question is can you use baking soda with slime activator

How do you make slime activator?

Borax and water

What is an activator in ICT?

it is the activator device

Can you put slime in the microwave or oven?

If you would like your slime warmed up or browned before serving, sure. You might want to know what the slime is made of first; some compounds may react violently to microwave exposure.

What is the difference between inhibitor and activator?

difference between activator and inhibitor

What is the activator?


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Is human urine really a compost activator?

Yes studies have shown that urine is a compost activator.

Forgot the activator. Will a Quantum Perm take without the activator?

Nop, learned that lesson tonight!

When making bread what effect does an activator have?

When making bread, the ingredient called to activator has a profound effect. The activator is in charge of allowing the bread to expand outward into something that one can eat.

How do you get a king bubble slime?

Synthesize a king slime and a king cure slime. King Slime=(slime+slime)+(slime+slime) King Cureslime=Megalodon+(any slime, B rank I think) GOOD LUCK!

What is Streptokinase and tissue-type plasminogen activator used for?

Streptokinase and tissue-type plasminogen activator are used for: