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Q: How does tobacco damage the cardiovascular system?
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What chemical can damage the central nervous system cardiovascular system reproductive system hematological system and kidney with exposure?

Silica is the chemical that can damage the central nervous system cardiovascular system reproductive system hematological system and kidney with exposure.

Can tobacco damage the immune system of a person with AIDS?

Tobacco has the potential to severely damage the immune system of anyone, not just those living with AIDS. This is due to the carcinogenic chemicals contained within it.

Bruising would be an element of review of what organ system?

The development of a bruise would be due to damage to the circulatory or cardiovascular system.

Organization of the cardiovascular system and heart?

Circulatory system and Cardiovascular system

How does the cardiovascular system affect the skeletonmusclar system?

The cardiovascular system sends oxygen to the muscles.

How does the nervous system get effected by tobacco?

Tobacco smoking can occlude the tiny blood vessles supplying nutrients and oxygen to nerve fibres therefore can cause severe damage to peripheral nervous system.

What is an organ of the cardiovascular system?

The heart is a part of the cardiovascular system.

What help the digestive system?

the muscular and cardiovascular system.

How does chewing tobacco effect the heart?

Using smokeless tobacco increases the risk of high blood pressure, which can lead to cardiovascular disease. It also increases the chances of cardiovascular stroke. Smokeless tobacco is highly addictive because of its high nicotine levels.

What can Cardiovascular disease do?

it can damage your heart

What system transports oxygen to the various parts of the body?

Cardiovascular System

What is the purpose for the cardiovascular system?

The cardiovascular system (The Heart) pumps blood throughout the body. Without the Cardiovascular system, humans would be dead.