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no smoking have no effect leading to hypertention.contributes to hardening of arteries and damage blood vessels,therefore increasing the risk of hypertension thus blood circulation could be efficient

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Q: How does smoking contribute to hypertension?
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Smoking has no effect on hypertension?


How do you prevent the ailment of hypertension?

by not smoking

Why can smoking lead to hypertension?

Because it is bad

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What are three risk factors for hypertension?

alcohol, stress, smoking

Where do you get a Hypertension?

Hypertension is usually from different causes. The usual if because of Obesity and lifestyle. Smoking is also a risk factor for hypertension as well as other disease such as Diabetes.

advantages of smoking food preservation?

Taste is amazing

What causes kidney tumors?

smoking, obesity, hypertension are the most common causes for kidney tumor.

What are the risk factors for renovascular hypertension?

Smoking, stress, obesity, a diet high in salt, exposure to heavy metals, and an inherited predisposition toward hypertension all increase the chances

What could cause hypertension symptoms?

Things that can cause hypertension symptoms are smoking, obesity, being overweight, diabetes, sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity and many more.

Is sugar bad for hypertension?

Consuming excess sugar can contribute to weight gain and obesity, which are risk factors for hypertension. Additionally, sugary foods and drinks can lead to insulin resistance and increased inflammation, both of which can contribute to high blood pressure. It's recommended to limit added sugars in your diet to help manage hypertension.

What are the factors that contribute to teen smoking habits?

the smell