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Q: How does socialism and communism effect the lives of its people?
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Life changed in China because of the distant effect of Communism. The common people felt as if they were no longer in control of their own daily lives.

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they had the right to speak freely and worship as they chose.

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Is socialism like communitarianism?

no they are not exactly the same.Communitarianism is a way to achieve socialism and to organize people lives like they demand.socialism means all the power to the people but cause its difficult everyone to get heavily attend with the politic situation people decide to make councils how represents them that's communitarinism....

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People loose their lives and homes are destroyed.

Is there a central belief or religion in socialism?

Socialism is an economic system, and is not tied to any religion. A follower of any religion could favor socialism or oppose it.

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tsunamis effect people lives by drowning them and reacting their family.

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Really nicely

What is socialism's ideal?

The ideal of socialism is a society which takes care of all its members and which ensures that they all have what they need to live happy lives.

What was the communism scare?

It was when the US government over dramatised the Bolshevik revolution because they did not like communism and so made anti-communist propaganda, causing people to fear 'Communism' like a disease. pretty stupid really.