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Society influences Aunt Alexandra by shaping her beliefs and behaviors based on societal norms and expectations. She prioritizes status, reputation, and tradition, reflecting the values of the society in which she lives. Society contributes to Aunt Alexandra's desire to maintain a certain image and uphold the family's heritage, often guiding her decisions and actions.

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Why does aunt Alexandra want to dismiss calpurnia?

Aunt Alexandra wants to dismiss Calpurnia because she believes that Calpurnia is not the right influence on Scout and Jem and does not fit in with the family's social status and reputation. Aunt Alexandra thinks it is best for the children to have a proper white governess instead of Calpurnia, who is black.

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At the tea party, Scout fails Aunt Alexandra by not adhering to the expected etiquette and by questioning the social norms and values upheld by her aunt and the other ladies present. Scout's attire, behavior, and attitude do not conform to the traditional expectations of a young girl in that society, leading to her being reprimanded by Aunt Alexandra.

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He is the spoiled grandson of Aunt Alexandra

Who is older Atticus or Aunt Alexandra?

Atticus is older than Aunt Alexandra. Atticus is the father of Scout and Jem, while Aunt Alexandra is Atticus's sister.

What more do we learn about Aunt Alexandra after Atticus and Calpurnia leave?

After Atticus and Calpurnia leave, we learn that Aunt Alexandra has a strong sense of family pride and tradition. She plays a significant role in shaping Scout's understanding of her family heritage and her place within Maycomb society. Aunt Alexandra also emphasizes the importance of adhering to social norms and behaving in a proper manner.

What problem does aunt Alexandra have with the way scout is growing How does she attempt to provide female influence?

Try reading the book and thinking for yourself

Does dill want to have a aunt like aunt Alexandra?

No, Dill does not want to have an aunt like Aunt Alexandra. He enjoys the freedom and adventure that comes from spending time with Scout and Jem, and having a strict and proper aunt like Aunt Alexandra would likely limit his fun and spontaneity.

Who is Jem and Scout's aunt in 'To Kill a Mockingbird'?

Aunt Alexandra

Why did aunt Alexandra say that she wanted calpurnia fired?

Aunt Alexandra wanted Calpurnia fired because she believed that Calpurnia wasn't a suitable role model for Scout due to their racial and social differences. Aunt Alexandra also wanted to assert her authority and influence over the household as a female figure, and did not see Calpurnia as being necessary once she moved in to help care for Scout and Jem.

What is the purpose of aunt Alexandra's tea party?

Aunt Alexandra's tea party serves as a way for her to showcase her social status and uphold the family's reputation. It also allows her to assert her influence and control over the social dynamics within the community, particularly among the Finch family. Additionally, the tea party serves as a platform for Aunt Alexandra to try and impart her values and beliefs onto Scout.

What problem does Aunt Alexandra have with the way Scout is growing up How does she attempt to provide female influence?

Try reading the book and thinking for yourself