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If sodium reabsorption increases, water reabsorption increases as well.

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Q: How does sodium reabsorption affect water reabsorption?
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What part of the renal tubule has an elaborate countercurrent mechanism for reabsorption of sodium and water?

A part of the tubule called the Loop of Henle is involved in the reabsorption of sodium and therefore water.

How does the reabsorption of sodium and water from the renal tubules increase blood volume?

When blood volume is low, sodium reabsorption in the kidneys is stimulated. The increased sodium increases osmotic pressure, causing water to be reabsorbed with the sodium. The reabsorbed water is added to the plasma, thus increasing blood volume.

What conditions promote increased sodium or hypernatremia?

diabetes insipidus (water loss by the kidneys), Cushing's disease, and hyperaldosteronism (increased sodium reabsorption).

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Reabsorption of Sodium

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What is obligatory water reabsorption?

the reabsorption of water from pct,alh in nephron which is not influenced by adh.

Is the hormone responsible for increased sodium reabsorption?

anti diuretic hormone

When the kidneys return salts and water to the blood it is called?

Reabsorption via a process called "secretion".

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the reabsorption of water from pct,alh in nephron which is not influenced by adh.

Which hormone is responsible for facultative water reabsorption in the collecting ducts?

ADH is the hormone responsible for facultative water reabsorption.

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