

How does soil come from rocks?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: How does soil come from rocks?
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How are rocks changed into soil?

rocks are chaged to soil by earths layering

The rock and mineral fragments in soil come from rock that has been?

rocks that have been weathered

How do minerals enter the soil by rocks?

The minerals get into the soil by erosion of the rocks.

What does soil were once rocks?

soil was first rocks, which then later turned to soil by a factor that they were broken down to soil by rain.

How does rocks relate to earth science?

rocks are made p of soil and soil are made up of rocks which means they are cycles of rocks

What do rocks and soil have in common?

soil comes from rocks. that's all i know

How does erosion transport soil?

Soil is carried in the rocks during erosion and as rocks break the soil loosens and falls out.

Why there is no soil on mars or Venus?

There is no soil on Mars or Venus. How come? Those planets have plenty of rocks. Mars has windstorms that erode rocks into dust. Venus has an acid atmosphere that cooks rocks into new chemicals.But there's still something missing. Without life, there is no soil. Living things haven't just made a home in the soil on our planet. Life actually made the soil as we know it.Information from:

How Is soil related to the weathering and erosion of rocks?

rocks get brocken down into soil from erosion

What does 'soil was once rocks' mean?

Soil is composed of broken up rocks and minerals.

How was soil formed from rocks?

Soil is usually formed from the rock as a result of weathering of the rocks.