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Solar cells make objects move by using the power from the sun to generate power to move something.

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Q: How does solar energy make an object move?
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Energy that can make an object move is called?

Kinetic energy.

What is the force called to make an object move?


Does an action force make an object move?

The energy has to go somewhere, but if it's not strong enough to move the object, it will just go into something eles. Or the object will abosorb the energy.

How does thermal energy move during conduction?

the temperatures make it move (less temp=slow movment & high temp=fast movement)

How ARE Push And Pull Different?

Push and Pull are different in this respect: Push is using potential energy to make an object move in the direction the energy is being released. Pull on the other hand, is using potential energy to move an object in the direction that the object pulling it is moving.

How do you make a solar power car move?

As of February 2015, solar vehicles are not sold as practical day-to-day transportation devices. They are powered almost entirely by solar energy. They convert the sun's energy into electric energy and use it to power the vehicle.

What are Kinetic and Potential energy?

Kinetic energy is the energy that make things move. They are known as the "Movement Energy". Potential energy is the energy stored in object, waiting to be used.

When object do not move do you think they have energy?

They have potential energy

How do you make objects particles move faster?

Increase the kinetic energy by heating the object up.

Is solar energy used to move other energy types?


Energy is done when a force causes an object to move?

Work is done when force causes an object to move and capacity of doing work is called energy So, energy is required and consumed when force causes an object to move

Can an object gain more energy?

Sure, you can add energy to an object. For example, you can heat an object up (to have it gain heat energy), you can raise it (to have it gain gravitational potential energy), or you can make it move (to have it gain kinetic energy). In each case, the energy has to come from somewhere.