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Q: How does someone who has Down syndrome feel when a so-called normal person treats them differently?
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Is it common for a person with Down syndrome to marry someone who doesn't have Down syndrome?

People with Down syndrome are no different from the rest of us, except they look slightly different and are not able to do as many things as "normal" people. Therefore, unless they have a severe case of Down syndrome, they should have normal marriage ceremonies.

Are people with Asperger's Syndrome mentally superior to normal people?

No. Their minds are wired differently, so they might be exceptional in certain areas but have more difficulties in other areas. They are not mentally superior or mentally inferior. Their minds operate differently. No i'm just kidding of course they are.

How long will will you live with usher syndrome?

people with ushers syndrome will have a normal life expectancy

What is notable about Scheie syndrome?

Scheie syndrome is considered the mild form of MPS I. Individuals with Scheie syndrome usually have normal intelligence

How you know that you are normal?

Look at a downs syndrome person and if you are the same then you aren't normal!

Is klinefelter's syndrome a abnormality?

Klinefelter's syndrome is not considered to be a variation of normal, so by definition it is abnormal.

What type of diagnosis is from a karyotype?

A karyotype tells you if you have the normal ammont of chromosomes (46 for humans), it can also tell you if you have more or less and if this is the case what it is that you have. The most common syndrome would be Down Syndrome, or trisomy 21. Down Syndrome is also called trisomy 21 because if you look at a karyotype from someone that has this syndrome then they have three coppies of the 21st chromosome.

Does the Y chromosome in Klinefelters syndrome look like the X chromosome?

No. People with Klinefelter's syndrome have a normal Y chromosome and 2 normal X chromosomes.

What is everyday life like for people with marfan syndrome?

Everyday life for someone who has Marfan syndrome is not too bad. They may be self conscious about how they look and have trouble learning new things but they can function as a normal human being in everyday life.

What is the survival rate of turner syndrome?

About the normal rate.

What are the genotypes of two parents that pass on the klinefelter's syndrome?

The parents have normal genotypes, because Klinefelter's syndrome is not inherited.