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the atoms electrons start to build up until there is an excess of electrons, then there is a discharge and the lightning is grounded by hitting the closest thing to the ground.

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by positive and negative electrons

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yes it is

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Q: How does static charge build up in a thundercloud?
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Accumulation of electric charges on a object?

The build up of a charge on an object can be referred to as a static build up charge.

What is a build up of charges on an object?

The build up of a charge on an object can be referred to as a static build up charge.

What is the opposite of static electricity?

The opposite of static electricity is current electricity, which is the flow of electric charge through a conductor. Static electricity is the build-up of electric charge on the surface of an object, while current electricity involves the continuous flow of electrons through a circuit.

What is a good clue to describe static electricity?

build up of static charge

What electricity is a build up of a charge on an object?

Static electricity.

The buildup of charges on an object is called?

The buildup of charges on an object is called static electricity. This occurs when there is an imbalance of positive and negative charges on the surface of an object, leading to the attraction or repulsion of other objects.

How do you build up static charge?

on yourself: on a dry (not humid) day (usually in winter), rub your feet wearing synthetic soled shoes, on the carpet, your body will build up static charge which you can discharge by grounding to other objects. you can build a static charge on a plastic rod by rubbing it with fur. air masses build static charges by rubbing against each other. these are just a few ways.

What is the build-up of electric charge on an object?

Static charge is the buildup of electric charges on an object. This is a Biology question.

What is the build up of a positive or negative electric charge on a materials surface?

A positive or negative electric charge can build up on a material's surface through the gain or loss of electrons. This can occur through processes such as friction, induction, or conduction, where electrons are transferred between materials, resulting in an accumulation of charge.

What is a buildup of charged particles?

A buildup of charged particles refers to a situation where there is an accumulation of electrons (negatively charged) or protons (positively charged) in a particular area. This buildup can lead to the generation of an electric field and potentially result in phenomena like lightning or static electricity discharge.

Is lighting static electricity?

Yes, it is static electricity caused by the charge build up from the movement of air over the earth.

What charge does a balloon have?

A balloon can be charged with static electricity, leading to a build-up of either positive or negative charge.