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Q: How does staying in the shade help a animal conserve water?
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How does the sand gazelle conserve water?

by feeding at only dawn and at dusk and by staying in the shade

Where do the organisms live that have adapted to conserve water?

The animal that is adapted to conserve water might be livig near a lake,river,sea or ocean.But it is sure that it lives near water.

How does animals survive in the Sahara desert?

The animals in the Sahara desert survive by drinking lots of water and staying cool in the shade.

Why do have to conserve water?

we have to conserve water to save our planet

How jaguar adapts with climate changes?

Because it knows that if it is getting to hot it will cool its self down by either going into a water source or staying in the shade if their is no water source close by.

How do forest conserve water?

Forest conserve water because it's only circling tru the clouds

How do you conserve underground-water in summerseason?

we can conserve under ground water in the summer season if we save our water when we have it.

Can anyone conserve water?

Yes, all of us can conserve water. We can make the difference.

How does a animal and plants do in summer?

Not so good unless its in shade and has plenty of water and food! it also needs to be held or played with depending on what kind of animal it is!

What is sentence of conserve?

I was not sleeping, I was just trying to conserve my energy. The water that you conserve today can be consumed tomorrow.

How saving water conserve energy?

they conserve energy because it uses energy to make water flow into your taps.

How can farmers and others industries conserve water?

Farmers and other Industries can conserve water by recycling it to be used again.