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The emotional and physical effects of stress can be damaging, and fatal to the body. Stress causes an imbalance in the body that can lead to strokes and other fatalities.

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Q: How does stress affect the body?
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Related questions

Is stress difficult and harmful?

stress can be harmful because it affect your body.

How does chronic stress affect the body?

Gives you atherosclerosis and strokes.

How does stress affect someone?

stress symptoms can affect your body, your thoughts and feelings, and your behavior.

stress can cause the body to tense up as a defense mechanism. Which body system would this affect?


Does stress affect the human body?

Yes, yes it does, you really should have known

Type of stress?

There are so many different types of stress that my affect your body. Some of these types include emotional tress, physical stress, mental stress, nutritional stress and so much more.

Stress can cause the body to tense up as a defense mechanism. Which body system would this affect?

Musculoskeletal system

Does listening to music affect your body?

Listening to music will affect your body in various way. Smooth music can be therapeutic while loud music will be noise and it can impair your hearing and cause stress.

How does stress affect muscular system?

Stress and tension affect your body in bigger ways than people think. It can change how you look. If you are stressed and tense all the time, you can get wrinkles faster and can affect your posture. In the long run, it can shorten your life span.

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What the positive aspects of stress are?

Studies indicate that no stress is good for the body because it performs the same physiological function on the body. However, good stress has a very different psychological reaction on the body that recovers very differently than negative stress. Another thing to consider is that the meaning of good and bad stress is defined differently by different individuals. Different life circumstances affect people at different levels.

Does stress affect happiness?

Yes, stress can affect a person's happiness. Too much stress isn't good, which causes depression, but not enough stress can cause a person to be lackadaisical.