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something bitter will make you screw your face up..something nice makes you smile..some food makes your mouth water,some your eyes water

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Q: How does taste affect facial expression?
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facial expression matched their internal feelings.

What is a facial expression?

facial expression is when you show emotions through your face only

What is the facial-affect program?

Activation of a set of nerve impulses that make the face display the appropriate expression.

Why you need facial expression?

You need a facial expression so that you can clearly express your feelings.

Why was facial expression unimportant in antigone?

The facial expression was not important in the Antigone because the message being passed across was very clear. There was therefore no reason for the facial expression.

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What is Liberty's facial expression saying to us

How many nerves to make a smile?

All muscles of facial expression are supplied by seventh cranial nerve. That is Facial nerve. This nerve carries the taste sensation from anterior two third of the tongue also.

What does countenace?

Facial expression.

Facial nerve?

The facial nerve, also known as the seventh cranial nerve (CN VII), is an important nerve in the human body responsible for controlling various facial muscles. The facial nerve is essential for facial expression, the sense of taste, and certain functions related to hearing and balance. Here is a detailed overview of the facial nerve, its functions, anatomy, and related conditions: Functions of the facial nerve: Engine function: The main function of the facial nerve is to control facial expression muscles. It stimulates the muscles that allow us to smile, frown, close our eyes, move our lips, and make many other facial movements. Taste sensation: The facial nerve carries taste information from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue, including the taste buds for sweet, salty, sour, and bitter tastes. Salivary glands: The facial nerve also innervates the submandibular and sublingual salivary glands, which are responsible for the production and digestion of saliva. Tear glands and nasal glands: It controls the lacrimal (tear) and nasal glands, contributing to tearing and the production of nasal secretions.

What factors affect listening?

Listening w/your eyes and ears and focusing completely on the commuicator, looking at his or her eyes and facial expression and getures.

What facial expression muscles are used in a surprise expression?

Facial muscles are usually employed to display surprise.

What does countenace mean?

Facial expression.