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Tea is good for plant growth. The tannins in the tea help the plants grow faster and stronger than using just water. Certain kinds of teas are better than others.

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Q: How does tea affect a bean plant growth?
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Does tea effect plant germination?

Yes it does affect plant germination. I carried out an experiment on Phaseolus vulgaris L. (Green Bean) and through the collection of biomass, I found out that it does affect.

Do different teas affect plants growth?

The Nitrogen content of the tea affects the plants growth, the more nitrogen the more the plant grows faster and healthier but lesser the Nitrogen content of tea lessen the plants growth. We tried many experiments, we used black tea ground and green tea ground but as we searched the black tea ground has a Nitrogen that can fill a half cup of coffee while the green tea ground has a Nitrogen that can fill half of the Nitrogen content of black tea ground.

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the hormone commonly present in plant for tea plantation are auxins

Does sweet tea help plant growth?

Maybe, Sweetened tea contains sugar and that can cause clumping around the roots if the plant.

What is a tea estate?

tea estate is hilly area with a proper boundary suitable for the growth of tea plant and has a tea processing factory.

How does coffee tea affect plant life?

it doesnt you just shouldn't do it at all

Will bean seeds grow using sugar water?

yes it actually does it helps spider plants really good though and it could kill bean plants though.

What are the factors favoring the growth of tea in Assam?

Tea has a long history in Assam. Actually, drinking tea is a age long tradition of Assamese people. British learnt it from them and started to plant it professionally. So tea is a natural plant of the region. However, tea plant need huse fertile land, a lot of water, hot weather and humidity, every thing is available here in Assam. These factors favoring the groth of tea in Assam.

Will bean seeds grow in iced tea?

yes it does

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Coffee bean & tea leaf

What type of plant produces tea?

The tea plant, although tea can be made out of many other plants.

Does Lipton tea stunt your growth?

No, it does not! I drink a lot of tea and I am a 5"8 girl at age 15. Coffe can stunt your growth, but not tea. It is proven that tea is good for you, of course in moderations.