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No school. Friends think you are a scarlet woman. Embarasment and humiliation all around. New clothes, and super fatness. well for starter your friend dont want to talk or hang with you and they talk behind your back and the father disown her

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Q: How does teen pregnancy effect your life?
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tot each you about effect and cause of teen pregnancy, and how it can effect your life, your future etc.

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In sims life stories there is no cheat for teen pregnancy.

What is thE negative effect of teen age pregnancy?

Teen age mothers.

How does teen pregnancy affect a teen father's life?

it can effect him because very likely he is not ready for such responsibility and is scared. most teen boy's or girl's are mature enough for such a huge responsibility. and if the teen father decides he don't want that responsibility, he has child support to look forward to for the next 18 years.

How does no attention in your life cause teen pregnancy?

That may be a contributing factor to teen pregnancy, but even a rudimentary knowledge of biology should be enough to show that it's not the cause.

What is a thesis statement for teen pregnancy?

You can write about how to prevent teen pregnancy. Or what causes teen pregnancy. Talking about the right form of education to prevent teen pregnancy will work as well.

How does teen pregnancy affect the teen life?

Teen pregnancy change both a male and female teen... Pregnancy and birth can cause slot of stress and may cause you relationship with boyfriend or girlfriend to end. Pregnancy is slot of work and you need to take care of the baby and yourself.... Watch 16 and pregnant ... That might help... Good luck :)

How does teen pregnancy effect on your life?

Teen pregnancy can affect your life because you are still yung and have a lot of things to accomplish! theirs alot of hard chooses to come with that preganancy like if your going to keep the baby or not. but on the plus side a child is a gift from God and everything happens for a reason. =)---- I would say that teen pregnancy could be VERY bad or VERY good. it wont be good until later but hopefully you have a supportive family and plans for what you want in your future for YOU - such as school and a career. If you don't have any of these things, it is NOT a good idea.

What are some of the main causes of teen pregnancy?

I feel that the causes of teen pregnancy would be having only one parent in that child life, peer pressure, and not having one's on mind to do what supppose to be done

What are the roles teen parents face?

Teen Pregnancy

How teen pregnancy can be improved?

Teen pregnancy can be improved my spreading awareness. Telling your friends about how to have safe sex is a great way to prevent teen pregnancy. Knowing the facts about sex and how to not get pregnant.