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Temperature is the measurement of kinetic energy (meaning movement). Increased temp means the molecules are moving at a higher rate so they will bump into each other more frequently.

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Q: How does temperature increase the collision frequency?
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Increasing the temperature increases the rate of a reaction by?

An increase in temperature is an increase in kinetic energy. This causes there to be an increase in the collision frequency as well, so the rate of reaction goes up.

How does temperature affects the order of a reaction?

as temperature increase the rate of the reaction increase because ther is an increase in the kinetic energy causeing the molecules to move more rapidly cause a increase in collision.

What happens to the rate constant of a chemical reaction when the temperature increases?

Increasing the temperature will cause there to be an increase in kinetic energy. This results in an increase in collision frequency, and eventually an increase in rate of reaction as well.

Why will fires increase in frequency and intensity during global warming?

Because the temperature on the Earth is increased.

What is the collision theory and how does it relates to reaction rates?

it depends on how high or low the reactant is on the temperature.

Why is the collision frequency in a gas likely to less than in a concentrated liquid?

Molecules or atoms in a gas are farther apart than in a liquid, so the collision frequency is lower.

How does a temperature increase affect collision between molecules?

The number of collisions with enough energy to react increases.

When wavelength decreases does the frequency increase or decrease?

The wavelength is inverse to the frequency, meaning the frequency in this case will increase.

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Safety belts increase the chance of surviving a collision by what percent?

Safety belts increase the chance of surviving a collision by 50%.

What happens to enzymes at -0 degrees?

At 0°C enzyme action is low because the movement of molecules is low. This causes the collision frequency between enzyme and substrate to be low. Increasing the temperature speed up the movement of molecules and thus the collision frequency increases therefore enzyme action increases. Human bio enzymes work best at 37 degrees Celsius. As the temperature raises the shape of the enzyme changes and the enzyme becomes denatured. Temperature above 50 degrees Celsius will denature most human enzymes.

When will a collision lead to a chemical reaction?

When the collision is hard and fast enough. Increasing the kinetic energy will increase the likelihood of hard and fast collisions, which will ultimately increase the rate of the reaction. (This is called collision theory.)