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On this is one you will have to go by my saying, "What others say is truth is not, but what is before you? Truth." This means that there is much debate on the entirety of what extreem Islam law means. Terrorism is a failure to make changes and as history shows the only way it fits into the future of the world is a demonstration of how to fail to make progress. To me, I do not see Christians going to forign countries in a holy war to kill innocent people. For this I see sharia law as the law of Satan. I will not get into what I think about this more than to say that My advise is to research using search engines which dig the invisible web. From here you will find the truth you are seeking. In it's finality; Most do not know what sharia law even is even when they say they do. But always remember that when we learn from historical truth we find one aspect which stands proudly above any other, that is that nothing comes from violence and nothing ever can. On otherwords, nothing changes due to violence, not political standings, not meanings, not understanding and not the truth.

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Q: How does terrorism fit into the future of the world due to Sharia law?
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