

How does the ABO system work?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: How does the ABO system work?
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The ABO blood system was established by who?

The ABO blood grouping system was established by Karl Landsteiner in 1900. He was awarded the Nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1930.

Why is testing for Rh antigens and antibodies different from ABO testing?

abo blood group system was discovered in 1901 and rh was discovered in 1940.

In which year ABO system of blood grouping discovered?

The ABO blood group system was discovered in 1900 by Karl Landsteiner. The AB blood group was discovered by Von Decastellor and Sturli in 1902.

What are genotype of blood typE ABO blood system?

Ia Ib

The abo antigen system is what is usually referred to when speaking of a persons?

blood type

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When was Nu ABO created?

Abo abo was created in 1992.

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Your questions makes no sense. What is abo

What is the name of the Abo Drethian homeworld?

Abo Dreth.

What type of Blood is it if it is covered with no antigenes?

In the ABO system, it is O blood type that contains no surface antigens.

Who dis covered abo blood grouping system?

The ABO blood was discovered by Karl Landsteiner in 1900.He explained that agglutination occur due to the presence of antigen on red blood cells and the corresponding antibodies in the serum.