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Q: How does the Arabian sea affect the climate of the coastal areas of Pakistan?
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How do ocean currents affect coastal climate temperature?


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it makes the coastal weather milder.

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bye the weather and the climate the culture region

How does the ocean affect the costal climate?

The ocean affect the coastal climate because water takes longer to heat and to cool than the land does and thus the climate of places that are near the ocean are moderated by the water.

How a change in a temperature of an ocean current might affect the climate of a nearby coastal area?


How does sea affect the climate of coastal areas?

Places near the sea or ocean are ussually cooler than places further inland.


Places near the sea or ocean are ussually cooler than places further inland.

How do changes in the circulation of ocean currents affect climate?

they cool or warm the coastal areas year-round

How do oceans or seas affect the climate of coastal areas?

One of the many ways in which the oceans affect the climate of coastal areas is by buffering temperature. Water holds heat better than air- it takes longer to heat up and cool down. Because of this, areas near the water tend to have more stable temperatures than those farther away.

How can water in the atmosphere affect temperature?

The mere presence of water, e.g. a river running through it, does not. But oceanic currents do affect the climate - therefore called the "oceanic climate" - of mostly western coastal areas on the middle latitudes of the globe and the cities located there. The Gulf Stream for instance gives the cities in western Europe a temperate climate. Similar currents make for instance the west Canadian coastal city of Vancouver the warmest of Canada.

How does politics affect the participation in sports?

Simply, do you see more of the India vs Pakistan matches in cricket? No. There is how the politics affect the participation in sports. The political climate of the countries does make an impact upon the game.

How does the pacific ocean affect the weather along the coast?

The Japanese current carries cold water down from the north and causes the coastal climate to be cooler than the climate further inland since the prevailing west wind is cooled.