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The extinction of so many organisms left a large ecological niche to expand into, which mammals did.

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Q: How does the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction relate to the age of Mammals?
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What is believed to be responsible for the extinction of many larger Mammals such as Saber-toothed tiger and mammoth?

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What era has been called the Age of Mammals?

This era, the Cenozoic era, is the age of mammals. But among botanists and paleobotanists, it is known as the age of flowers -- the anthophyta.The extinction of the dinosaurs of the Mesozoic Era allowed mammals to proliferate and diversify.

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The Cenozoic Era is the Age of Mammals!

What era or time is the age of mammals?

The Cenozoic Era is the Age of Mammals!

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What is the great age of mammals called?

The current era is the "great age of mammals," the Cenozoic. The Mesozoic was the age of dinosaurs.

What is the pleistocene overkill theory?

The Pleistocene overkill theory suggests that the extinction of large mammals during the Pleistocene epoch was caused by human hunting pressure. It argues that early humans were responsible for the mass extinction of large mammals like mammoths and saber-tooth cats, leading to significant changes in ecosystems. This theory remains a topic of debate among scientists studying prehistoric extinctions.