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Q: How does the Fred Hollows foundation help cataracts?
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How did Fred hollows help the community?

he facked someone

Did anyone help Fred Hollows?

Fred Hollows worked with and trained many people. From 1976-1978, the National Trachoma and Eye Health Program (NTEHP) was carried out by hundreds of dedicated eye health personnel, including Fred Hollows as Director and Gordon Briscoe as Deputy Director. Nepal's first Lama ophthalmologist, Dr Sanduk Ruit trained and worked with Fred. Dr Ruit had a special friendship with Fred Hollows. They both shared the same outlook on life, medical philosophies and vision - of a world where no one is needlessly blind. Dr Ruit and Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology are still an important partner to The Fred Hollows Foundation.

How did Fred hollows help people?

Fred Hollows was an optometrist who travelled to third-world and disadvantaged countries to restore sight to millions of people. He operated on them there, and most of the time it was voluntary work.

What was the difficulties that Fred Hollows faced and over commed?

I can not find anything on why and the difficulties he faced when moving can anyone help?

Why did Fred Hollows move to Australia?

he moved because he wanted to help the aboriginal tribes with there external site

What was Fred hollows biggest discovery or invention?

he didnt discovery any thing but he discovered that he wants to help other with their eyeproblems he wanted to help the poors and the people in need and he did soo he was such a help to everyone :)

Where did Fred Hollows help?

Fred Hollows was most known for his working in the medical field. He was able to open such giving practices as the Royal Australian College of Ophthalmologists, that led to the National Eye Health Program through the years of 1976-1978. He is remembered most fondly through his work with the Aboriginals of Australia, along with others worldwide.

What is Fred Hollows famous saying?

· Every eye is an eye, when you're doing the surgery there that is just as important as if you were doing eye surgery on the prime minster or the king. · To my mind, having a care and concern for others is the highest of the human qualities. "I believe that the basic attribute of mankind is to look after each other" "The most expensive little bits of plastic in existence" - Fred's description of IOLs I hardly knew what a cataract was, but I was determined that in my training I would learn" - Fred Hollows "I'm a little embarrassed about the honors being heaped upon me but I'm not ashamed of it being done." Fred Hollows. "Until Aborigines share the same basic conditions of hygiene, sound diet, insect proof housing, sanitation and clean water... Aborigines in rural parts of the country will continue to be afflicted with avoidable diseases such as trachoma" - Fred Hollows 'The essence of a human being is our capacity to help others; it is what separates us from the animals. I studied medicine so I could help others - set a leg or whatever, and it's given me a great deal of satisfaction.' - Fred Hollows

Are there atheists who have established humanitarian foundations?

A:Yes, quite a few. Just two prominent examples: Doctor Fred Hollows was an Australian eye specialist who could have become a wealthy man simply by practising in his own country. Instead, he travelled around some of the poorest countries in the world, providing his services free of charge, raising awareness of sight problems in poor nations and encouraging other to follow his example. The Fred Hollows Foundation continues his work. Regarding his beliefs, Dr. Hollows said, "I am a humanist, I don't believe in any higher power than the best expressions of the human spirit, and those are to be found in personal and social relationships."One person who certainly is an atheist is Bill Gates. Unlike Dr Hollows, Bill Gates is a very rich man, but he is giving away most of his wealth to help provide cures for diseases that affect the very poor in this world. Bill Gates set up the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

What was the purpose of the laserphaco?

to help cure cataracts

How did Egypt help and harm the people of Israel?

because of the cataracts